Mom Tricks Dog Into Thinking He's On Leash After The Leash Broke!

Mom Tricks Dog Into Thinking He's On Leash After The Leash Broke!

It was yet another normal morning and Kendra Rubin and her dog Charlie were on their morning walk. Just like every other morning, Charlie was chewing on his leash trying to break it.

See, Charlie does not like that he has to walk with the leash hanging from his neck. But, it is a price he is willing to pay as long as it means he will go for his walk. Still, that doesn’t stop him from dreaming. He dreams of the day that the leash will finally break. How he will shoot off at a pace that Rubin would not be able to match. Because that is his problem. He thinks Rubin is too slow and that their morning walks should actually be runs. Well, that is what I imagine goes through his head.

Unfortunately, when his dreams finally came true and the leash broke, Charlie was too caught up in his thoughts to notice. It also didn’t help that his mother, Rubin had the wits of a chess grandmaster. What did she do? She kept on holding her hand up as if the leash was still on. Her actions were inspired by the fear that if Charlie realized he was not on a leash anymore, he would leap into the streets and endanger himself.

Rubin was able to pull off the trick for over half a mile and only put her hand down once they were in the safety of their house. All this time Charlie thought the leash was on and stayed 3 feet ahead of his mom! Rubin was able to record the whole incidence which she later uploaded on her TikTok account. I can only imagine the disappointment in Charlie’s face when he realized the trick that had been played on him!

Feature Image Source: TikTok/kdubrubin

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