Mommy Took Her Dogs All Around The World During Quarantine!

Meet Melissa Mariner, the founder of Bella-Reed Pit Bull Rescue in Southeastern PA, who’s doing her bit by staying home with her dogs and saving lives.

Owner of Bella-Reed Photography, Melissa Mariner is currently home with her four pit bulls: Bella Blue, Hershey, Pesto, and Nova Layne. Melissa’s rescue Bella-Reed Pit Bull Rescue in Southeastern PA, has saved the lives of more than 450 pit bulls since they started in 2013. With four pit bulls herself, she’s trying to show the world that it isn’t about the breed, but how they’re brought up and trained, and we completely agree.

In order to save lives during the COVID-19 pandemic, Melissa is staying home and traveling with her dogs at the same time! Because she can’t travel, she came up with a brilliant way to bring the world to her adorable dogs! Check this out!

1. The crew does Six Flags!

2. L to R: Nova Layne, Hershey, Bella Blue, Pesto re-creating Mount Rushmore!

3. Bella Blue’s first visit was to Australia!

4. Nova Layne enjoying a gondola ride through the “streets” of Venice, Italy.

5. Walking around exploring was Nova’s favorite thing to do in Italy!

6. Bella posing for an image at the Gateway of India in Mumbai.

7. Nova enjoying yet ANOTHER boat ride in Italy! This time at Lake Braies, South Tyrol in Northern Italy.

8. The rain doesn’t stop Bella from posing for photos! Here she is at Times Square in NYC.

9. Hershey catching snowflakes on his tongue while enjoying the Northern Light show in Alaska.

10. Hershey loved the Eiffel Tower so much, that he went back for seconds, but a few natives ruined the photo op for him.

Share a picture of your dog with us in the comments! Watch out for Part 2!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

Images Credit: Instagram

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