Who ever said that cats and pups couldn’t be friends has never met Archie the English bulldog. He’s the very best friend of the house kit – or at least, that’s what he’d like to think!
He tries really hard to show his feline friend how much he likes her, but it doesn’t seem to be going too well for him. Oh no! While these two relax together, the friendly and happy pup decides to shower his buddy with affection! He does this by giving her lots of kisses and plenty of enthusiastic hugs. The only problem is that he’s marginally bigger than her and she doesn’t seem to like the attention all that much.
Poor pup! He’s so sweet and full of good intentions! Sadly, this kit leaps off the bed to escape the fur ball’s affection. But in due time, I’m sure they’ll both learn to love each other the appropriate amount! Do give this a thumbs up and share it around if you liked it!
Feature Image Source: archie_the_bulldog