Some of you may have noticed it.
While out with your dog on a stroll, you observed that he/she has a habit of taking so much time finding the ideal spot to poop or that he/she makes circles on a spot before dismissing it as not ideal for pooping. So, is this just an odd habit of his/her or is this common among canines? There are four reasons behind this behavior and, yes, they’re all rooted to canines’ instinctive tendencies in the wild.
1. They’re checking if it’s safe.
Your dog is ascertaining that he/she will not be attacked by other predators or disturbed by intruders including snakes while he/she is in a compromised position.
2. They’re ensuring it’s clean.
It’s comparable to human beings being extra mindful of hygiene when using a public toilet. The same goes for your dog.
3. They’re being territorial.
Dogs tend to mark their territory to tell others that it’s theirs. They do this using their anal glands which communicate his/her position to the rest of his/her kind. So this habit is actually his/her way of leaving a signature scent.
4. They align themselves to magnetic poles.
A 2013 research conducted on 70 dogs from 37 breeds showed that dogs align themselves to north-south poles prior to pooping although it doesn’t say whether this is deliberate or otherwise. So, when your dog is doing his/her spins next time, it may be that he/she is figuring the right axis.