Pumpkin – An Almost Forgotten Magical Ingredient For Our Dogs!

Pumpkin – An Almost Forgotten Magical Ingredient For Our Dogs!

Fresh or canned, seasonal or not, sitting in the garden waiting for the Halloween fun to come or just any other occasion – we all have that one huge orange thing sitting somewhere around our house waiting to be used for whatever special occasion or purpose.

If you have a dog as a family member, then the pumpkin certainly does have a purpose and you will be surprised with the good it does as well as how much the dog will love it.

Those of you, who already tried to give it to your dog either as a treat or part of regular nourishment, will know that the dogs just love this orange mushy stuff. Consulting your vet prior to feeding your dog with pumpkin is highly recommended as well as gradual dosage instead of giving large amounts at once.

Besides being extremely nourishing and a perfect treat for your dog, other benefits of the pumpkin for the dog’s health are numerous. Allying tummy problems or digestions issue? Pumpkin is there to help. On the other side, are you fighting with constipation or diarrhea bothering your fur baby? Pumpkin absorbs extra water from the organism and will helps for sure.

Is your baby “so sweet and chubby”? Yes, he or she absolutely is, yet, you are aware that a few pounds less would be great for them? Reach for the pumpkins again as it will help reduce the weight too!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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