All birthdays are special and should be celebrated accordingly – especially when it’s a pup’s very first one! Maximus the German shepherd pup is turning one year old today, so it’s a perfect cause for a nice family party.
This pup gets an amazing treat for his birthday – a cake made entirely out of delicious fur ball treats, topped with an electric candle. Aww! But he’s already started eating way before Mommy and Daddy have finished singing him the birthday song. He must be very hungry! Hey, the birthday boy can do whatever he wants today, so it’s all good. That cake looks absolutely delicious anyway!
Happy birthday, Maximus! Here’s to many more fun-filled, treat-abundant, happy and healthy years ahead. I’m sure Mommy and Daddy will make every coming birthday just as memorable. Do give this video a thumbs up if you liked it, and don’t forget to share it around!
Feature Image Source: Manuel Uribe