All This Pup Wants To Do Is Play With Her Kitty Sibling, But It's Just Too Difficult!

All This Pup Wants To Do Is Play With Her Kitty Sibling, But It's Just Too Difficult!

Okay, so maybe cats and pups don’t fight as much as stereotypes have led us to believe. But that doesn’t mean that a pup and kit who are best friends don’t have their differences!

Still, those little instances of disagreement can be pretty adorable to watch. Take Molly the pup, for example. She really wants to play with her best buddy Zoey the kitty, but it doesn’t look like they’re on the same page. Molly really looks like she’s so excited to see her friend, and can’t wait to spend time with her. Aww, what a sweet pup!

Unfortunately, Zoey just isn’t the mood for play right now, and she remains nonchalant and uninterested. Tsk, tsk! I’m sure Zoey will come around soon enough. You can say no to Molly, a big ball of fur with nothing but adorable, loving intentions? Give this video a thumbs up and share it with your friends to brighten their days!

Feature Image Source: Jnt436

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