Puppy Tied To Post Makes Incredible Transformation!

Puppy Tied To Post Makes Incredible Transformation!

Unfortunately, there are many different stories and news articles that are coming out today, focusing on abandoned and neglected animals. This story is no different in the way it starts out but does end in a fabulous surprise.

In October, a girl named Courtney Bowels came across someone who needed her help. Outside a local apartment, now known as Bonnie, was left tied to a post, extremely underweight and covered in feces and garbage. It looked to Courtney as though Bonnie had searched the trash for some food.

The owners moved out of this building after not being able to pay rent, leaving this sweet girl behind, with no food, water, or the proper accessories. As Courtney approached Bonnie, unsure of how she would react, she was pleasantly surprised. Bonnie was offered some treats and became her sweet self again.

Courtney said that she felt as though Bonnie knew that her life was about to change, and her heart would be patched back together. Courtney untied Bonnie and brought her home, welcoming her with a bath, water, and plenty of food.

She was still so weak the first few days after bringing her home, and couldn’t even run, walk, or jump on the furniture. After spending a few weeks together, Bonnie has made huge advances.

Now she is more confident and acts like a brand new puppy. She also plays all day with her new sister Millie, with who she gets along very well!

Courtney said that by watching Millie and Bonnie bond, she knew that this would be Bonnie’s forever home, giving this story the happiest of endings.

Images & Feature Image Source: Courtney Bowles

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