Quick Facts About Puppy Teething That Every Parent Should Know

Quick Facts About Puppy Teething That Every Parent Should Know

Teething is something your pup needs to go through. Because the process is a painful one, new parents need to understand some basic facts about it and how to support your growing pup.

When does it start?

It can happen between 12-20 weeks but, you can add or subtract from this range depending on your pup’s breed. Parents should, therefore, not get too worked up when their pup does not go through it after hitting the end of 20 weeks. Some vets say this range can stretch up to eight months.

Teething commences with the coming out of the incisors, followed by the molars and premolars. When this happens, ensure that none of the milk teeth stay, and that, the new ones have all emerged fine and properly located. Should you find anything amiss such as tooth discoloration, fracture, or dispositioning, it is advised that you seek proper care from your vet.

How can you tell it’s coming?

The usual symptoms include loads of chewing, blood spots on toys or chewed spots, drooling, and teeth fall off. Tons of chewing is expected when your pup is going through teething, and the victims may include your carpet, cushion, shoes, or even electronic gadgets.

Because teething is painful, your canine will resort to chewing to ease it. To help them along, without sacrificing your precious furniture, provide chewing toys or treats, but stay away from hard ones that damage the new teeth.

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