Science Claims Women May Have Greatly Influenced The Evolution Of Dogs

Science Claims Women May Have Greatly Influenced The Evolution Of Dogs

Researchers at Washington State University have discovered various factors in a typical relationship between dogs and humans, all thanks to females.

These researchers think that dogs’ relationships with women may have greater impacts on the bonds between dogs and humans. In the past, if a dog had a solid bond with a female they would be more likely to be integrated into the family life and would have greater regards towards them.

Dogs have been the oldest and most widespread domesticated animals, but even with that being said, there hasn’t been much research on how the bond between humans and dogs started. From what they can tell, there have been instances that showed that dogs were useful to humans, which is where these bonds started to form.

Hunting also seemed to bring us closer to our dogs when this was the only way to find food. As the times started hanging and modern ways to plant crops and find food surfaced, dogs assumed their role as faithful companions. These studies simply add to the evolution of the bond between dogs and humans, which were solidified after humans sought out the help of wolf pups.

Nowadays, dogs are everywhere that humans are, and humans are truly only as successful as we are because of them. Whenever we are thriving, it’s because our faithful friends are on our side. Dogs have allowed us to grow while sticking by our sides. This relationship has been around for countless years and doesn’t seem to change in the future!

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