Shelter Dog With Strange Ears Gets Adopted By Foster Mum

Shelter Dog With Strange Ears Gets Adopted By Foster Mum

Sometimes it is difficult to tell what breed or breed mix a stray dog is because they usually come in different shapes and sizes. Thankfully, due to advancements in technology today, there are dog DNA kits people who are curious to know their dog breed mix can use to find out.

A dog named Simon often elicited remarks from strangers due to his unusual look. His mom, Sophie, told GeoBeats Animals that people often stopped her on the street to ask “what is he.”

Simon is an adorable pup with an interesting look – a large head and huge paws on a little body. However, the most eye-catching thing about Simon is his big expressive ears. Sophie described his ears as orecchiette pasta noodles. His ears, she said, could transform into other shapes, depending on his mood and how he moved them around.

Initially, Sophie brought Simon home to foster him. However, she foster failed with him barely a day after bringing him home due to his cuteness.

Although there isn’t much background information on Simon’s life before his rescue, Sophie believes he must have been part of a family because he already seemed to understand house rules and behaviors when she brought him home.

Simon will continue charming the world with his funny ears as he lives his best life with his new family.

Image Credit: YouTube

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