Have you ever been playing with your dog and noticed that he started sneezing for some odd reason? Doesn’t only appear to happen during playtime?
It might seem out of the ordinary to you, but this happens with many other dogs. Let’s talk about why this happens and whether you should be concerned.
Why dogs sneeze
Dogs sneeze for reasons similar to us. They may sneeze because of allergies, post-nasal drip, or maybe because there’s something stuck in his/her nose. It may even be a result of irritation from breathing in dust or other particles.
During playtime
Besides the previously named reasons, dogs sneeze during playtime as a means of communication. It’s their way of letting playmates know they mean no harm. Cool right?
If you see your dog sneezing while wrestling with another dog and there are no signs of aggression, he/she is probably letting everyone know that it’s just a play fight. A dog may also sneeze to let other dogs know that he/she is being too rough.
It’s still an idea to check, just in case, to make sure there’s nothing stuck in your dog’s nose if the sneezing persists.
Reason for concern
If the sneezing appears excessive or continuous, you should be concerned that something is wrong. It may be a result of allergies which can be very uncomfortable for your dog. In this instance, it is best to contact your vet for advice on how to deal with this issue.
This may also be a sign of infection, nosebleeds, parasites, and even tumors. Blood is never a good sign, so if that happens, your next call should be to the vet.