Should I Be Worried About My Dog’s Constant Paw-Licking?

Should I Be Worried About My Dog’s Constant Paw-Licking?

Paw licking is normal for most, if not all, dogs. Dogs often paw-lick after a meal and outdoor play, or prior to napping. It’s part of their grooming.

If you observe that your dog has suddenly been paw-licking more frequently, targeting raw or inflamed spots or when it is accompanied by an unusual amount of fur loss, try to find out the cause for this behavioral change and physical changes or seek medical attention. So, here are four common causes of paw-licking among canines:


Allergies are the more common causes why dogs constantly lick their paws. These skin attacks are often associated with environmental changes and ingestion of allergy-causing food. Ticks and fleas may also cause allergies.

Paw Trauma

Paw trauma may be due to insect bites, bone or ligament injuries, broken nails, splinters, and skin burns, often from contact with hot surfaces such as cement pavements during summertime. It would be well-advised, then, to regularly check your pet’s paws for trauma.

Gastrointestinal Problems

Pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases have been linked to paw-licking. Even hormonal imbalances, including Cushing’s disease and hypo-hyperthyroidism, have also been found to be among the culprits.

Stress or Anxiety

Just as we bite our nails when nervous or anxious, so also dogs with regard to paw-licking. Uncover the trigger and take it out of the picture. So, in summary, paw-licking is normal among dogs, but if it becomes too frequent or obsessive, consult your vet.

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