It is always heart-warming when one hears of a celebrity using his or her status to make a positive change in our troubled world. Such is the case of Simon Cowell, a celebrity from the UK, perhaps best-known for his appearances on Pop Idol and American Idol.
A while ago, by virtue of a financial donation, Simon enabled Humane Society International (HSI) to rescue 200 dogs destined for consumption in South Korea. South Korea is well-known for its meat trade and dogs are considered livestock. It is estimated that 2.5 million dogs are bred for consumption in South Korea every year! Although the trend seems to be reversing, as more and more Koreans keep dogs as companions, many still see nothing wrong with the consumption of dog meat and regard it as an important part of their culture.
Dogs are often brutally slaughtered before being offered for purchase. The rescued dogs were located in terrible conditions and were severely mistreated. A certain Maltese-cross named Robin was one of the lucky few who managed to escape this sad fate and was adopted by Philippa Tomson. Recently, a clearly emotional Simon Cowell was brought face-to-face with lucky little Robin. Overwhelmed at the sight of Robin’s dear little face and imagining how different his fate could have been, Simon was momentarily lost for words.
He acknowledged the importance of organizations like HSI and emphasized the positive impact they make on dogs’ lives. Hopefully, the visuals of Simon Cowell’s emotional reunion with Robin will inspire more people to reach into their pockets and thereby enable organizations like HSI to continue their good work.
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