Most dogs will eat whatever they can lay their hands on, whether edible or not. While some varieties of berries are toxic, strawberries are not. However, many dog parents still wonder whether their dogs can eat strawberries without getting sick. The Chief Veterinary Officer at Purina, Dr. Kurt Venator, Ph.D., gave some valuable insight.
According to the Veterinarian, dogs can eat strawberries since they contain healthy nutrients and good properties, including fiber, vitamin C, high water content, and “natural compounds that act as antioxidants.” However, Dr. Venator advises against feeding dogs strawberry-flavored human foods, especially those with high sugar content, since it defeats the purpose of a ‘healthy’ treat.’
While dogs that are not lactose intolerant can eat plain, organic yogurt, they shouldn’t eat strawberry-flavored yogurt. They should avoid strawberry ice cream too. The reason foods with strawberry flavoring should be avoided, according to Dr. Venator, is that they tend to contain artificial sweeteners that can be toxic for dogs.
Although strawberries are healthy for your dog, you should not feed them too much of it. “Feed strawberries to your dog like you would any other snack,” Dr. Venator advises. “Keep the portion size small. Dog treats should make up no more than 10 percent of his total daily calories.”
If your dog loves strawberries, you may consider incorporating dog foods and treats with strawberry accents into their diet.