Stray Dog Remains With Injured Friend Till Help Arrives

Stray Dog Remains With Injured Friend Till Help Arrives

Dogs across the breed spectrum are incredibly loyal to their parents and to each other. After all, they are pack animals who develop strong bonds with those they perceive to be members of their pack. This story is an example of the extent of a dog’s loyalty to their injured friend.

Betty Walker received a text from her friend about a dog who had been hit by a car. Having had experience in dog rescue and fostering, she instructed her friend on who to contact for further help. With the injured dog on her mind, Walter rushed to the scene after her shift ended. When she arrived, she found two dogs; one lying on the grass by the side of the road and another standing guard on the pavement.

The two dogs were named Betty and Allen. Betty was the injured one and Allen, knowing this, stayed by her side, scaring away other dogs and anyone who came too close. As Walker approached them, Allen ran up to her in defense but she assured him that she was there to help by taking the time to earn his trust.

Soon after Walker’s friend arrived on the scene to help put Betty in the car, Allen kept steady eyes on them to ensure his friend was ok. Allen was also placed in the car because Walker knew that wherever Betty went Allen went.

Walker decided to foster the two pups and sought medical attention for Betty. It was disclosed that she had a broken pelvis and needed surgery to fix it. After undergoing her medical procedure, Betty had Allen waiting for her at their foster home. Walker soon realized how much they loved each other and decided that if they were to be adopted, they would have to be adopted together.

While Betty is healing from her surgery, Walker is looking for a loving home for the pair, noting that the two love attention, hugs, and kisses. Individually, Allen loves playing with toys and Betty prefers laying in bed or by someone’s feet.

To know more information about Betty and Allen, please contact Betty Walter here.

Image Credit: Betty Walter

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