There are a lot of benefits of having dogs around you, not only does your health improve dramatically, but you also become a happier and more responsible human.
While dogs are great for humans from all walks of life, they’re exceptionally great for kids and senior humans. Did you know that just by being around dogs, senior humans can benefit so so much? Here’s Part 1, in case you missed it.
In Part 1, we talked about how dogs can significantly improve senior humans’ health and well being and that’s not what we’re saying science believes it too. So how can we bring dogs and senior humans together? There are three ways to do it – if a senior human resides with their family, then the family could adopt a dog provided they’re willing to take the dog’s responsibility.
Then there are seniors living in other facilities, so one way to get them dog benefits is by making their facilities dog-friendly. Can you imagine how awesome this would be? No one would EVER feel lonely, ever again! Then if making the facility dog-friendly isn’t an option, how about providing senior humans with dog-assisted therapy sessions a couple of times a week?
Most seniors don’t feel welcomed in senior living facilities, but all that can change and dogs can help. Imagine being welcomed into a senior living facility by a smiling, furry, and happy dog! Wouldn’t this be a treat? It’s about time we let our seniors enjoy their golden years with dogs so that they can be healthy, feel less stressed and lonely, and most importantly, be happy!
These are just our views, how would you bring dogs and senior humans together? Let’s brainstorm ideas! Tell us your idea in the comments below!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay