Early morning showers are great for waking someone up a little more! But just because you know it’ll be good for you doesn’t mean you’re going to run for it first thing in the morning.
This bulldog pup, for example, is far too lazy to make the short walk from his house to the hose in the front garden. Too funny! This pup insists on lying down flat on the ground, so when Mommy decides it’s time for a nice morning shower, she has to come get him herself! She picks up his front paws and slowly drags him over to where the hose is.
The best part? The fur ball is completely unfazed by this action! I have a feeling that this is a bit of a habit! Once he gets to where he needs to be, the fur ball’s paws are put down, the hose is turned on, and the pup gets splashes of water over his body. Ah, relaxation! If this lazy pup made you laugh, like and share away!
Feature Image Source: trantufb10