Caring for a dog isn’t just about feeding them and showering them with love. You also have to make sure that they are in good health. There is actually a five-point health check that you can conduct on your dogs in order to ensure that they are healthy. Here are the first two points!
Weight Check
- Weigh your dog every now and then, but do note that weight alone is not a good gauge of a dog’s health!
- You should be able to feel your dog’s ribs with only a thin fat cover.
- You should be able to see a clear abdominal tuck and a waistline on your dog.
- Make sure your dog gets enough exercise. If they aren’t used to it, start with short programs and build up to longer periods.
- If your dog is overweight, cut back on treats, table scraps, and snacks. Speak to a vet about a good diet plan for them.
Coat and Skin Check
- A healthy dog’s coat will feel smooth from the top of their head to the base of their tail.
- A dog who has a dull coat or matted fur may be lacking in certain nutrients or may have a disease.
- Part a dog’s fur to check for cuts, flaking skin, scaly skin, fleas, and other issues.
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