There's A Beautiful Reason Why This Dog Is Over The Moon Today!

There's A Beautiful Reason Why This Dog Is Over The Moon Today!

Today, we will introduce you to Odin, who is a tiny dog with little ears, paws, and tail. He may be small, but his smile surely isn’t. Odin was adopted into Joyce Cetinas’s family, who are from Mexico and love Odin dearly.

Joyce adopted him three years ago and has been showing him love and affection ever since. She says that he is her faithful companion and loves to run and play whenever given the chance. A few weeks ago, Joyce remembered that it was Odin’s birthday, and wanted to do something special for him.

She and her family decided to throw him a party to show their love for him, and Odin was incredibly surprised they remembered. Joyce ordered a dog-friendly cake, hung up decorations, and gave him small gifts. At first, Odin had no idea what was happening, but soon, once all the attention was focused on him, he knew exactly what was going on.

He started smiling from ear to ear and wagging his tail profusely. They sang happy birthday to him and caught the whole thing on video. In this video, Joyce and her family showed Odin the love he deserved, and you can see he knew it on his face. After singing the traditional song, the family gave Odin presents which he happily opened.

He thanked the family with kisses and cuddles. Joyce’s friends loved seeing Odin’s reaction in the video she posted and wished him a happy birthday.

The love that has been shown to him has made Joyce and her family so happy because they know Odin deserves the world.

Images Source: Joyce Cetina

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