Thinking Of Fostering? You're An Important Part In The Rescue Process

Thinking Of Fostering? You're An Important Part In The Rescue Process

Thinking of fostering? Here’s what you need to keep in mind.

You’re an important part in the rescue process.

Fosters enable the dog to live in a real home instead of a shelter while waiting for his/her family. Fostering also helps ease the overcrowding of animals in shelters.

It’s fulfilling.

Fostering is life-changing for both the dog and foster family. Seeing your dog transition from being timid to playful and happy gives you a sense of joy knowing that he/she feels secure enough to be themselves.

You prep the dog for adoption.

As foster parents, you’ll know a lot about your dog and thus, are able to help determine a suitable family for him/her. You’ll also get to train him/her in preparation for adoption.

It’ll help you heal from your loss.

If you lost a beloved dog, getting a new one might be ill-timed, but offering a temporary loving home to a rescue isn’t just good for him/her but also for you as you heal from your pain.

It’s not a lifetime commitment.

Unlike adoption, fostering doesn’t require a lifetime commitment. If you’re not ready or sure, fostering enables you to see if you or your family (including other pets) are ready to make that leap.

You’ll help dying dogs.

Hospice fostering enables you to care and love a dog until his last days.

You might discover a lifetime friend.

It’s not unusual for fosters to adopt their rescue, and because of your previous relationship with the dog, adoption becomes easier.

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