This Adorable Dog Does The Best Owl Impression On The Planet!

This Adorable Dog Does The Best Owl Impression On The Planet!

Dog mom Ashleigh Macpherson adopted an adorable puppy named Kiko amidst the pandemic and has been loving her ever since. Kiko, a 9-month-old Finnish Spitz, knew that Ashleigh was in desperate need of a friend, and has been there for her ever since.

Of course, plenty of dogs can be family “watchdogs” but Kiko takes this nickname to a whole new level and makes sure to keep an eye on Ashleigh at all times… in the oddest of ways. At first, Kiko would only bend her neck a little bit back when she slept, and Ashleigh didn’t think much of it.

She said that Kiko has done this even as a small puppy, but as she got older, her motion increased. Ashleigh began to see that even when she was awake, Kiko could crane her neck around to keep eyes on Ashleigh at all times. She thought it was so cute, but was also so surprised. Pretty soon, Kiko could rotate her head almost 180 degrees!

Because of this, Ashleigh began to take countless photos of Kiko in this position, drawing plenty of attention. She has posted various portraits of Kiko with her brothers and sisters, out in their yard, and even around the house, all featuring the same pose.

Yes, Kiko impersonating an owl has brought many laughs and much popularity, it has made Ashleigh much happier.

She says that Kiko was there for her when she needed someone the most, and that’s why she believes that their bond is so strong.

Images & Feature Image source: Ashleigh Macpherson

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