This Adorable Pup Absolutely Loves Watermelon! Check Out His Excitement!

This Adorable Pup Absolutely Loves Watermelon! Check Out His Excitement!

For animals that are capable of eating vegetables and fruits as necessary, it is odd that pups aren’t able to move their jaws from side to side to grind their food!

This jaw skeletal structure, plus their short intestines, means that they are better suited to eating meat. Amazingly, however, their ancestry means they are also well-suited to eating grains!

Grains aren’t on the menu today for this intrepid Golden Retriever named Dydy, however. Instead, Dydy gets to chomp down a bowl of watermelon cubes. Delicious and sweet, it is clear that Dydy finds the tropical fruit incredibly delicious to eat!

Because of the high water content found in watermelon, this fruit is a great way to not only cool down your pup on a hot day, but also a delicious way to keep them hydrated. No wonder this pup is getting so much fruit to chow down in this video!

Feature Image Source: Goody ហ្គោលដិន

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