All responsible Dads and Moms know just how important it is that our pups get the mental enrichment that they need. Otherwise, they can get bored and destructive – and that often translates into these pups being a danger to our belongings!
So it is best to keep them occupied as much as possible, and have those little brains of their spinning away over a puzzle or toy!
Amazingly, however, it really doesn’t take that much for a pup to be completely and utterly occupied. This Beagle puppy is more than happy to lie on her back and chew away at some stick of sorts. Is it a branch? A massive chunk of dried bark that is slowly peeling apart? A section of a tree root? This puppy is here to find out!
And how will she do that? Why, by chewing away at it, of course! Certainly she will find the answers this way!
Feature Image Source: Smudge the Beagle