This Adorable Pup Is Having The Time Of Her Life Eating A Healthy Treat!

This Adorable Pup Is Having The Time Of Her Life Eating A Healthy Treat!

Sugar can be found in all sorts of places, but they are most easily and naturally found in delicious fruits! The sugar found in them makes them so much more appealing and delicious to eat, so it is easy to see why evolution made them that way.

It certainly makes for some incredibly delicious treats for pups!

You should always be careful and check what your pups are able to eat safely. (Grapes, for example, are incredibly toxic to pups). Luckily for us parents, watermelon is a safe and delicious snack which you can give your pup, especially on a hot day! With their cooling properties and their high water content, this summer fruit is especially good in helping pups like Lily the Dachshund in beating the heat.

In this video, Lily can be seen happily munching away on a slice of watermelon while relaxing in a grassy field. She is dressed to match with the occasion too, having been decked out with a scarf covered in watermelon pictures!

Feature Image Source: Adventures of Brown Dog

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