This Adorable Pup Is Having The Time Of His Life Opening Christmas Presents!

This Adorable Pup Is Having The Time Of His Life Opening Christmas Presents!

It is now late enough into the new year that we can all start making jokes about how everyone seems to be preparing 12 months in advance for next year’s Christmas!

That aside, there’s nothing wrong about opening some very late Christmas presents. Or for those of us who still are enjoying the Christmas craze, watch pups open theirs!

Enzo the English Bulldog is certainly enjoying the chance to rip open his presents on Christmas eve! In this video, you can see that it is pretty dark, so it seems that this pup got incredibly impatient and wanted his presents now. So, Mom and Dad decided to help this pup out and open up his presents.

As it turns out, one of the presents Enzo has gotten is a rawhide bone! You can see that he likes his new present, and already trying to lick and chew at it before it was completely unwrapped. Looks like he will have plenty of fun with this present!

Feature Image Source: Enzo English Bulldog

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