This Adorable Pup Knows Exactly How To Get All The Attention She Needs!

This Adorable Pup Knows Exactly How To Get All The Attention She Needs!

The thing with walking your pup is that you will always be bombarded with dozens of requests to pet your pup. It is simply something that is part and parcel of being a Mom or Dad. Plus, there is something encouraging about just how people admire your pup’s beauty!

Not to mention that some pups absolutely love to soak up as much attention as they could possibly get! This 6-month old Golden Retriever named Sadie is having the absolute time of her life. Mom was just taking her out for a walk as usual when they bumped into a mother and her child.

As it turns out, the mother is a fan of pooches, and wants to pet Sadie. An understandable desire, given how gorgeous Sadie is. And it looks like Sadie adores the sign of affection from a stranger, and has rolled down onto her back to enjoy the moment!

Feature Image Source: Karl Ellwein

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