This Adorable Pup Might Be Tiny But He's Already Melting Hearts With His Antics!

This Adorable Pup Might Be Tiny But He's Already Melting Hearts With His Antics!

Just how much cuter can a puppy get? As we all know, there is something incredibly adorable about a small puppy – it seems like the powers that be have decided to make puppies as irresistible as possible!

No wonder they are used in photographs so often – just look at how photogenic they can be!

And none can be even more photogenic than the Labrador Retriever puppy, just like the one in this video! This adorable 8-week-old puppy had just been brought home a few days ago, and is still taking a while to adjust to his new home. But that is okay, because Dad is here to help the best he can!

One of the things Dad has done is gotten this sweet little puppy a new toy! It is a round, orange-colored ball that sort of looks like an orange. And, it squeaks! It seems like this puppy loves it, and can’t stop playing with it!

Feature Image Source: rajdeep gupta

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