This Adorable Pup's First Day Home Will Bring Back Memories For You!

This Adorable Pup's First Day Home Will Bring Back Memories For You!

Bringing home your puppy for the first time can be an incredibly exhilarating event, no matter how much of a season pup veteran you may be! There is something wonderful about having such a tiny creature in your home, and know it is something for you to love and cherish!

Mr. Bruno is a 35-day-old German Shepherd puppy that is, as you can imagine from his age, incredibly tiny! Watching this video, it is hard to not feel like gasping at just how cute this adorable ball of fluff is. No wonder his parent decided to record a video of his very first day, once he was brought back to his new home.

This little fellow proves himself to be a brave and inquisitive puppy, happy to explore the house and play with his new toys! He spends his very first day checking out this new environment, curiously nibbling and sniffing the carpet and toys. What an explorer!

Feature Image Source: The Hobby House

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