We all know that pups can be incredibly adorable, especially as puppies. Some of the behaviors they indulge in, however cute as it may be while they were puppies, are a lot less fun to deal with once they are bigger in size!
After all, these pups can get as long as you are tall, and equally as heavy!
So when a pup that big tries to jump onto you in greeting, it can get hard to handle! Granted, it is still a cute behavior no matter the size, but you certainly don’t want pups leaping up and knocking over your guests like this German Shepherd is doing to his parent, do you?
In this video captured in slow motion, it doesn’t look like this pup’s parent minds the enthusiastic greeting so much. However, you can see how this may be a problem should a visitor not expect this pup to jump onto them in excitement!
Feature Image Source: Automobile Innovation