Whether we like it or not, terrible things can happen to our beloved pups.
The fact that something that costs your pup’s life can be unexpected and sudden is possibly one of the worst things to handle – especially when you learn it is inevitable, and that there is nothing you can do to save your pup. After that, what else can you possibly do?
In this video, Hubert is an adorable Dachshund who, aside from an oddly-colored ear, doesn’t otherwise have anything wrong with him. Reading the video description, however, reveals more. Two weeks prior to the upload of this video, poor Hubert was discovered to be bleeding from a cancer no one had detected.
This family thought they were going to lose him that very night, but brave Hubert somehow managed to pull through and stabilize himself. His passing was going to be inevitable nevertheless, but he strove to give his family one more month to say goodbye.
Feature Image Source: Willoh White