For dogs that get treats every time they go outside to the bathroom, this is a slippery slope. Some dogs know their parent’s methods by now and have learned how to outsmart the system.
For Dakota, a 12-year-old golden retriever, learning her parent’s methods has become a walk in the park. Dakota naps every day, loves walks, and is a huge lover. Her absolute favorite thing in the world to enjoy is food, whether that be table scraps, dog food, or treats that her parents give her.
Her mom, Cheryl says that she acts innocent, but is a lot smarter than most think. They came to figure this out one day after Dakota went outside to “go to the bathroom.” Cheryl’s home got a new doggy door installed, which was great for Dakota.
Upon teaching her how to use it, Cheryl used treats for positive reinforcement. Whenever Dakota went inside or outside using the doggy door to go to the bathroom, she was rewarded. After a few tries, Dakota got the hang of it and started to use this new knowledge to her advantage. Cheryl says that now, Dakota will use the doggy door in order to get treats without going to the bathroom.
Cheryl and her family watched it occur one day and found out that Dakota would use the doggy door, sit near the side of it for a bit, and then come back in wanting a treat.
They soon caught on to her intelligent scheme, but Cheryl can’t help but laugh and give her treats anyways.
Images Source: Cheryl Feingold