The training of sniffer dogs for detecting the latest global pandemic has taken off in many countries, including the UK, Russia, and Germany (among others).
Over in Germany, a new study was piloted to see if this training would be effective. Amazingly, the results showed a 94% accuracy. This research and study was done by the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, the Hannover Medical School, and the German Armed Forces. The aim was to develop trained sniffers for future mass events, such as sporting events and other similar public gatherings.
In developing this research study, eight dogs were trained to sniff out the coronavirus. They sniffed the saliva of over 1000 people that were either infected with the coronavirus or healthy. This was done at random, so neither the dog handler nor researchers at the site knew what type of saliva the dog in front of them was sniffing. The researchers suspect that the dogs are able to sniff the coronavirus out so specifically because the metabolic state of humans change significantly when infected.
Going forward, the teams are aiming to train the dogs to differentiate between the coronavirus specifically from other strains of influenza (colds and flu). This research truly is ground-breaking work! Who knows what the future could hold with trained super sniffers around. Once again, our four-legged friends prove their superpowers and dedication to the safety of humans. It goes without saying that dogs are remarkable, loyal beings and they make our lives better in so many new and innovative ways!
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