Maybe you aren’t really a German shepherd parent. But you still HAVE to see this video!
Sure, dogs are great and all, but unless it’s a tiny puppy (no one can resist a puppy), you don’t find yourself going weak at the knees every time someone walks by with their dog and you aren’t really that interested in seeing your Facebook feed taken up with post after post of pictures of someone else’s pet. Well, that may be but, THIS VIDEO IS THE EXCEPTION! You will be saying, “Aww!” before you even realize you’ve opened your mouth.
These two German Shepherd puppies have, literally, the cutest expressions ever. And their ears! The two dogs tilt their heads from side to side and their ears are perky and floppy at the same time! It is almost indescribable. Even if words could do this duo justice, it is far better to let yourself be hypnotized by the cuteness. Before you know it, you’ll be the one sharing the dog video on your page! Yep, go ahead, people!
Feature Image Source: meowcat72