Nothing breaks our hearts quite as much as seeing abused dogs. The images of neglected pups can often be a trigger point for many of us, leaving us in tears and feeling heartbroken.
It is beyond our understanding as to why owners would treat their dogs in such a way, especially because they do nothing but express loyalty and affection. Thankfully, there are animal rescue groups out there who find cases like these and make sure to do as much as they possibly can to turn the lives of these victims around.
Over in Des Moines, Iowa, the Animal Rescue League was hard at work. Reports had come in of two dogs that seemed to have been severely neglected. Upon investigation, the Animal Rescue League found Duke and Mariah, and they were not in good shape. Duke’s weight was about half of what it should be and if he had not been rescued, experts say he would have passed away within a week.
Luckily, the Animal Rescue League did find the two of them in time and they have been started on a refeeding program to get them to their target health conditions. Unfortunately, the investigation about who is responsible for this cruelty is still underway, and charges have not yet been made.
The story of Duke and Mariah may trigger tears for many of us, but it is also important for us to note the excellent work of the animal rescue teams out there. We should continuously support them and keep uniting against animal cruelty!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay