Two Ways Dogs Use to Determine If Their Parent is Pregnant

Two Ways Dogs Use to Determine If Their Parent is Pregnant

By now, you are already aware of all the extraordinary things dogs can do. Yes? Predict the weather, extend your life, and our topic for today, they don’t need to see a baby bump to know their hooman is pregnant.

Multiple stories try to explain this ability, but they all boil down to two things. Dogs have a ridiculously good sense of smell. 10,000 to 100,000 times better than humans. And you see, when a woman is pregnant, her hormones are always changing. This will most definitely lead her to develop a new scent which the dog is guaranteed to notice.

That is the first giveaway. The other one is the changes in mood, routine, and posture that accompany pregnancy. Pups are intelligent creatures and thrive on habit. Be sure that they will notice when you start having extra potty breaks. Once your dog realizes you are pregnant, then the magic begins. Suddenly, they want to follow you everywhere and snuggle around you every chance they get.

In other instances, they become overly protective and won’t let just anybody near you. It’s now your job to make your pup a part of your pregnancy journey. When the baby comes, your dog will be confused. They won’t understand why the new being is getting all the attention.
Don’t make them feel neglected. Also, start training them so that they recognize the newborn as part of the family!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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