Wait Till You See This Adorable Pup's Costume! Your Heart Will Melt!

Wait Till You See This Adorable Pup's Costume! Your Heart Will Melt!

There is something infinitely and immensely entertaining about dressing one’s pup up in a costume. This is probably why there are so many wondrous and hilarious costumes available off the shelves from just about any pet shop!

And with the cold weather having set firmly in, you can technically say that it is for keeping them warm.

That, certainly, was the justification this parent was running with when they dressed up their Dachshund pup in a lobster costume. It is certainly something that will be keeping this pup warm in this cold winter, at the very least! Look at how much padding there is there to keep the heat in!

It makes for an adorable sight too. The lobster looks like it is trying to eat the pup up, and it seems to be slightly longer than the pup actually is – likely for the intended effect! You can barely see any of the actual pup from under there!

Feature Image Source: Bella Bee to see

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