Want To Help Your Dog Be A Good House Guest? Here's What You Need To Know!

Want To Help Your Dog Be A Good House Guest? Here's What You Need To Know!

I’m sure pet parents are constantly invited to parties and get-togethers with their dogs, but can your dog be trained to be a good house guest? Yes, but there are certain tips you need to keep in mind!

  1. Tell your host when you plan on arriving and when you’ll be departing so they can make necessary arrangements for you and your dogs
  2. Tell your host what they should expect in terms of your dog’s behavior. Tell them what makes them misbehave and what makes them happy
  3. Respect your host’s rules about pets in their homes. For example, if they don’t allow their dogs on the sofa, you should not allow your dog on their sofa too. Keep a close eye on your dog at all times.
  4. Be a responsible pet parent by providing food and water to your dog, picking up his poop and taking your dogs out for a walk when required.
  5. Respect that your host may have children who may be afraid of dogs. So again, keep a close eye on your dog at all times.
  6. Respect your host’s pet by not allowing your dog to get too close to them. Supervise all interactions between your dog and your host’s pet to avoid any accidents.
  7. If you think it’s best not to attend a get-together, say no, for the sake of your dog. The last thing you want is to make your dog uncomfortable, anxious or stressed out.

How do you help your dogs be good house guests? Let us know in the comments!

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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