With climate change splitting up the polar vortex, cold, low-pressure winds that would normally stay put at the North Pole are migrating down south into Midwest America. Which means certain states are dealing with temperatures colder than that of Antarctica!
As you can imagine, these are incredibly cold temperatures – nobody wants to (or should) stay outdoors for more than a few minutes, if they can. This obviously includes pups. So when Mom pops open the car door, it is no wonder that Puck the English Bulldog is quick to hop inside first!
Because of the cold, it takes Mom a fair bit of effort to open the door. Throughout this whole time, you can see Puck eyeing the door, waiting for the moment he can get inside into the warm car first. Mom isn’t too happy about this, sadly – that is supposed to be her seat! How dare Puck steal it!
Feature Image Source: Jasper_and_Puck THE BULLDOG บูลด็อก