Polydipsia and Polyuria, in simple terms, excessive thirst and urination, are common complaints among dog parents. Usually, they don’t know it is a problem until the dog starts to urinate in the house; by then, it becomes a huge problem.
Finding the cause of the problem is not straightforward because there are at least 25 possible causes. Your veterinarian will require certain information from you if your dog has the problem of pinpointing the culprit.
You need to monitor your dog’s water intake to confirm whether they have excessive thirst and urination problems. A dog is said to have Polydipsia when they drink more than 100 ml of water per kg of their body weight per day. Another way to confirm the problem is by collecting a specimen of their first urine in the morning for your vet to run a urine-specific gravity (USG) test.
With initial veterinary diagnostics, the veterinarian can easily confirm some of the causes, such as high blood calcium, uterine infection, and liver disease. If none of that is the case, the vet will do a physical examination, urinalysis, and blood work to confirm or eliminate several causes, including chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, and Cushing’s syndrome.
Diagnosing Polydipsia and Polyuria is a process and can take some time. It would take a bit of patience from you and your veterinarian to reach the diagnosis, after which treatment will commence. In no time, your dog will be back to their normal self.