What Could Dogs Mean When They Show Their Toys To You?

What Could Dogs Mean When They Show Their Toys To You?

Does your dog always greet you with a dangling toy in his mouth? Or does he greet your guests the same way he/she does with you?

According to one veterinarian, dogs display such behavior for a couple of reasons, and most of the time, it’s because they just want you to play with them. Some dogs may even prance around, showing off his favorite toy to you. Another reason why dogs do this that has nothing to do with playtime is to catch your attention.

As dogs mature and learn, they are able to connect the dots between your positive reaction and their habit of bringing toys to you. If you react with amusement or joy whenever your dog shows off his toy, he/she will eventually learn to resort to this every time they need to get favorable attention from you.

Last of all, dogs cultivate this toy-toting habit when you’ve used toys to refocus their attention. Canines learn that this toy-related habit is a better option than nipping, barking, or doing other less than tolerable behavior whenever they experience surges of energy.

So, whenever you see your pup bolting out of his pen to greet you at the door with his favorite toy, do know that there are three reasons that can account for it – playtime, attention need, or hyperactivity and its consequent need for an outlet – all, being ways of getting you to pay attention to them.

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