What Does It Mean When Your Dog Drags Their Butt On The Ground?

What Does It Mean When Your Dog Drags Their Butt On The Ground?

If you’ve caught your dog scooting their butt on the floor before, you may have tried to stop them, thinking it was a sign that they wanted to poop. However, that is not always the case, especially if you’ve trained your dog.

Sometimes, your dog is experiencing something uncomfortable.

Despite how disgusting it might seem to dog parents, dogs may drag their butts on the floor to ease the pain when something is wrong down there. Some of the problems that can cause your dog to feel discomfort around their butt include:

Anal Gland Problems

The anal glands are located between the layers of muscle in the rectum. While it is not particularly clear what function they perform, it is naturally removed when dogs have bowel movements. There are times when the fluids may get stuck and cause dogs to feel uncomfortable.

Skin Irritation

Several things could cause skin irritation in dogs, including something as simple as grooming. For instance, dogs may experience skin irritation when the groomer cuts too close to the skin. Infections are another thing that can cause skin irritation in dogs.

Stuck Poop

If your dog scoots after pooping, they might be trying to get rid of stuck poop. Next time, you may want to check, so they don’t leave stains on the floor.

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