There is something incredibly fun about making silly videos featuring one’s pup. Not only are our pups just a great video subject in general, they also just naturally lend themselves to all sorts of fun projects. How could they possibly not, when you just look at how adorable they are?
This Dad was taking his sweet little Labrador Retriever puppy out for a walk when this pup found something that got her attention – a piece of wood! Now, Moms and Dads who are veteran parents of Labrador Retrievers will know this breed will attempt to eat anything and everything they can get their mouths on.
So it is no surprise that when Dad walks up to this pup, he finds her chewing away on it! Since it isn’t exactly something harmful to her, he thought he would have some fun pretending to speak for her in this video. Which turned out to be a great idea!
Feature Image Source: Mark Carlisle