What Is The Right Average Weight Of A Dog?

What Is The Right Average Weight Of A Dog?

A large part of making sure that your dog is healthy lies in making sure that they are of a good weight. Even just a couple of extra pounds can dramatically increase your dog’s risk of all sorts of diseases. But what, exactly, is the right average weight? Well, there isn’t one!

There are so many sizes of dogs and so many different breeds that finding an average weight simply isn’t possible. The sex of a dog, whether or not they have been neutered, and many other factors can affect a dog’s weight.

Sure, you can look up the average weight of your dog’s breed, but it’s still not necessarily going to give you an accurate idea of what your own dog’s weight should be – especially since the average weight range is often so huge! And what about mixed breeds?

Your best option for determining the healthy weight for your dog is through Body Condition Scoring, which is used by vets and is a method of determining weight health through observation. You can ask your vet about it or look it up!

If your dog is overweight, make small and gradual diet changes for your dog and increase their activity or exercise levels. If they are underweight, talk to your vet about a higher calorie dog food formula that they can safely use.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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