What Should You Do If Your Dog Accidentally Ate Weed?

For some, heeding the call of the sweet Mary Jane may be a favorite past time, but what if your innocent canine companion accidentally raided your stash of hash?

Sadly, this is a very common occurrence nowadays with a vet clinic in Colorado treating 2-3 animals a week for ingesting unattended ganja goodies such as pot brownies. If you are in the practice of using marijuana for whatever reason do not, I REPEAT, do not be smokin’ or leavin’ it anywhere around your dogs, just like how you would do it around a human child.

Symptoms of your dog ingesting weed include lethargy, breathing problems, lowered blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms, loss of balance, or incontinence. However, dogs may or may not show these symptoms as it depends on the size, age, and health of your furry companion, as well as what else was eaten along with dear Doña Juanita, e.g. chocolate which is very toxic to canines. To treat your poor pupper take them immediately to the vet.

The vet may try to make your pup throw up and give them IV fluids to help remove the toxin faster but if they are too far gone i.e., high as a kite, the vet may try a different approach and carefully watch for potential seizures. Only vet-approved CBD pet products may be given to your dog to treat chronic pain, inflammation, or anxiety-related conditions, all other marijuana products are toxic to your four-legged family member and should be kept far away from curious mouths.

Feature Image Source: Pixabay

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