When It's Time To Nap, This Little Rat Always Runs To This Fluffy Dog!

When It's Time To Nap, This Little Rat Always Runs To This Fluffy Dog!

Our furry face friends never cease to amaze us with their incredible and wonderful behavior. From extraordinary physical displays of agility to their astounding intellectual prowess, there is always something new to amaze us.

One of the intriguing things about dogs is the relationships that they are able to form with other animals. It is quite common to hear about dogs forming bonds with cats, their supposed arch-enemy, or even birds. However, there are a few less-common friendships that have been documented, such as the following amazing case of a dog that befriended a most unlikely friend – a rat!

The dog in question is a German Shepherd named Nuka and according to her pet parent, has always loved other animals.

Indeed, she seems to be an old soul, displaying incredible patience and affection towards small creatures and, in particular, a rat named Blue. Blue became a member of the family owing to COVID-19. He required an emergency home, and this happened to be Nuka’s home.

The rat, in an unfamiliar environment and looking for comfort, seemed to sense Nuka’s compassion and loved to cuddle in her soft fur. Nuka is fortunately well-trained, and despite being a large-breed dog is extremely gentle with small animals like Blue.

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She even licks Blue lovingly and this displays the utter trust that the rat has for her in allowing her to do this. Such self-control in an animal is wonderful to behold and credit must be given to her pet parent for training her so well!

Feature Image Source: Nicole Yates

Images Source: Nicole Yates

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