When You See How This Adorable Pup Wakes Up Every Morning, You'll Smile!

When You See How This Adorable Pup Wakes Up Every Morning, You'll Smile!

The thing with being a pup is that you need a lot of sleep. Pups don’t sleep as deeply as humans do per sleep cycle, so they make up for it by having a lot more sleep instead! In fact, most pups sleep about an average of 12 to 14 hours a day. That is basically half the day gone!

So when Pipas the Beagle is awakened, she is a little drowsy and confused by all the commotion. Exactly what is going on here? Why has she been awakened? As it turns out, it is actually Christmas day for her, and she has been given a new toy to play with!

When she shakes off the sleep, she instantly realises what the occasion is and become excited! She climbs out of bed, ready to play with her new toy. It is clear that even though she is still tired, she is enjoying her new Christmas present!

Feature Image Source: Pipas The Beagle

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