When You See What This Adorable Pup Is Doing By The Fence You'll Laugh!

When You See What This Adorable Pup Is Doing By The Fence You'll Laugh!

Pups are social pack animals, and it shows in the way they bond, play, and communicate with other pups and us humans!

The need to be able to interact with someone else is, in fact, so important that the lack of it is damaging to a pup’s mental and emotional health as it grows up and progresses through its developmental stages.

Because of this, it is probably a good thing that this 5-month old Doberman puppy has some company in the form of the neighbor’s German Shepherds. There is just one problem – they aren’t too interested in being friends with this loud, rowdy Doberman puppy!

Instead, this poor puppy is left to bark excitedly, in hopes that they will respond. Alas, his efforts were fruitless, and the neighboring pups soon leave without any response. Poor pup! Hopefully his parents will get him some friends to play with sometime soon. He sure needs the company!

Feature Image Source: D&Z Productions

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