Moms and Dads of Beagle pups will know that this breed is notorious for eating up just about anything they can fit their mouths around.
Combined with their superior noses, and it often means these pups end up eating all sorts of items that they really shouldn’t be having in their mouths! This does mean that first-time parents of Beagles are warned to keep an eye on their pups.
It is this advice that holds this Dad steady as he films his Beagle pup nosing a bowl of fruit. From the way Dad is telling this pup no and is filming the whole situation, he knows exactly what will happen and is already highly amused.
It doesn’t look like this Beagle pup wants to listen, however! You can see that he is trying very hard to find the opportunity to snatch an apple or a banana. Sadly for this poor pup, Dad is keeping a close eye on him – much to his disappointment!
Feature Image Source: Stupensardi 278