Most of us have seen what the Great Dane dog breed looks like. For those of us who are not familiar with them, they can be compared to gentle giants who gallop around playfully.
Great Danes love and need to exercise regularly and playtime is a must. Although they tend to eat us out of the house, their loveable nature makes up for it! Great Danes are loyal and never fail to display love and affection to their favorite humans.
Three-year-old Great Dane, Elliot, lives in Colorado. Elliot’s mom, Mandy, brought Elliot home when he was only eight weeks old. She had dreamed of getting a Great Dane for about fifteen years and when she finally got Elliot, she was absolutely delighted! Mandy even bought him a toy dragon off Amazon for a photoshoot when he was only four weeks old. She wanted the photoshoot because he was so tiny and kept the dragon as keepsake.
As Elliot grew older, and bigger, he and his toy dragon became inseparable. Although Elliot has grown into a gentle giant and his dragon has stayed the same, Elliot still cherishes his favorite toy by his side. Mandy took a video of the duo and uploaded it to social media.
It goes without saying that the video went viral and it even made the SWNS British news agency! Elliot continues with his playful adventures with his mom, and never fails to cuddle his favorite dragon at night. What a gentle giant indeed!
Feature Image Source: Pixabay